
10 July, 2024

Spencer gives a seminar at the US Naval Research Lab on exascale simulation of multiphase, shock-laden, and reacting flows.

1 July, 2024

MFC accepted into JUREAP Phase 1, the JUIPTER Exascale Early Access Program at JSC.

26 June, 2024

Presenting our work on exascale multiphase flow simulation at ICNMMF5 in Reykjavik, Iceland!

4 June, 2024

Jack’s manuscript on solving the Navier-Stokes equations on actual (IBM) quantum devices is now on arXiv!

3 June, 2024

Presenting our work on stochastic modeling of cavitation inception at CAV2024 in Crete, Greece; say hello if you catch me!

21 May, 2024

Work starts on our new contract with LLNL on regularization of kinetic-based PDEs. Looking forward to the collaboration!

12 May, 2024

Our paper, Method for portable, scalable, and performant GPU-accelerated simulation of multiphase compressible flow, was accepted to Computer Physics Communications. Congrats to Anand, Henry, and Ben!

9 May, 2024

Congratulations to Jesus and Ben, who passed their Ph.D. qualifying exams!

6 May, 2024

Subrahmanyam, resident sickle cell dynamics expert, graduates with his BSCS and heads to a snazzy industry gig. Congratulations, Sub!

4 May, 2024

Max starts his NVIDIA summer internship. Congrats, Max!

8 April, 2024

Congraulations to Suzan on winning the PURA Salary Award for research this summer, and Anshuman on our latest publication: Neural networks can be FLOP-efficient integrators of 1D oscillatory integrands.

4 March, 2024

We are at the 2024 APS March Meeting! We have talks on simulating fluid flow on quantum devices as well as exascale machines like Frontier.

23 February, 2024

Dr. Tianyi Chu joins the group as a postdoc. Welcome, Tianyi!

19 February, 2024

Spencer gains coutesy appointment in Georgia Tech’s Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering.

13 February, 2024

MFC has been accepted to the second round of the Oak Ridge Frontier Hackathon! MFC scales to 100% of the world’s largest computer, but extracting maximum performance still needs attention. We look forward to working on it!

9 February, 2024

Spencer gives an invited talk at the 2024 CRNCH Summit on CFD on an existing IBM quantum device. Great event!

1 February, 2024

Spencer gave a (virtual) talk for NSWC Carderock on solving flow problems with current quantum devices. Thanks for the invitation!

28 January, 2024

ONR funded a 3-year grant to our group, collaborative with Prof. Suresh Menon (AE) on solid fuel propellants and CFD. Looking forward to it!

26 January, 2024

ONR funded a MURI on solid fuel ramjets and high-enthalpy flows to Georgia Tech with co-PIs Suresh and Spencer, among others. PI Greg Young (VT). Looking forward to the collaboration!

23 January, 2024

Sriharsha’s work on quantum algorithms is now posted on arXiv. He develops algorithm improvements and exposed parallelization for fluid flow problems on quantum devices with reduced gate counts.

19 January, 2024

The group welcomes Lian Xiang, who joins as an undergraduate researcher from Physics! She is working on near-term quantum algorithms for fluid flow problems.

22 December, 2023

Our paper on Fast Macroscopic Forcing was published in the Journal of Computational Physics. Joint work with Florian Schäfer, Jessie Liu, and Ali Mani.

14 December, 2023

Our paper on RoseNNa was published by Computer Physics Communications. Congrats, Ajay!

7 December, 2023

Spencer gives a virtual talk for Google Research, Applied Science. Thanks for the invite, Qing Wang!

5 December, 2023

Congratulations to group undergraduate researcher Subramanyam on winning a PURA Salary Award for Spring semester research!

19 November, 2023

Anand, Jesus, Spencer, and Sriharsha are at APS DFD in Washington, DC. Our talks are here. Say hi if you see us!

6 November, 2023

Spencer gave a talk on stochastic sub-grid models at the Workshop on Compressible Multiphase Flows hosted by Stanford University. Thanks to the organizers, Ali and David, for the invite!

16 October, 2023

Manuscript on non-local closure operator recovery submitted and on the arXiv. Joint work with Jessie Liu and Ali Mani (Stanford), Tamer Zaki (Johns Hopkins), and Florian Schäfer(GT).

3 October, 2023

The group was accepted to the Frontier Hackathon as we prepare to run MFC at exascale on OLCF Frontier.

25 September, 2023

Spencer, Florian, and Stanford colleague Ali Mani organized a minisymposium at the latest IACM MMLDE conference in El Paso, Texas. Collaborator Jessie Liu (Stanford) presented our ongoing work on a targeted nonlocal closure recovery scheme via adjoint macroscopic forcing.

17 September, 2023

Jack and Spencer are at IEEE International Conference on Quantum Computing and Engineering! Jack is giving a tutorial on solving PDEs using quantum computers (material is open source, here).

14 September, 2023

Spencer is giving a seminar at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign on Friday September 14, do join us or say hi if you are around!

6 September, 2023

Spencer gave a seminar for the Georgia Tech Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering.

31 July, 2023

Ajay’s neural net. inference library, roseNNa, is now also described in this manuscript!

6 July, 2023

Congraulations to group Ph.D. student Haocheng Yu, who passed his qualifying exam today!

5 July, 2023

Congratulations to the VIP Student Cluster Competition team for being accepted to the IndySCC competition!

25 June, 2023

Our preprint on the fast macroscopic forcing method is on arXiv! A collaborative effort with Florian Schäfer (Gatech) and Jessie Liu and Ali Mani (Stanford).

17 June, 2023

Congratulations to research scientist Dr. Bryan Gard on winning GTRI IRAD of the Year award! For work with the group on quantum algorithms for PDEs and CFD.

13 June, 2023

Paper on electrodynamic drops published in JCP.

06 June, 2023

Spencer gave the OpenACC Webinar today. Will update this post with the recording.

16 May, 2023

We posted our preprint on a strategy for performant simulation of multiphase flows approaching exascale on arXiv!

15 May, 2023

Our preprint on a lattice-based quantum algorithm for fluid flows is now on arXiv! Fun continued collaboration with ORNL and GTRI.

3 May, 2023

Congratulations to Fatima Ezahra Chrit on a successful Ph.D. defense!

21 April, 2023

NVIDIA H100s finally arrive in the lab!

13 April, 2023

Congratulations to Qi Zeng for winnning the 2023 Outstanding Undergraduate Researcher Award from the College of Computing and Ansh Gupta for winning a PURA Salary award for this summer!

9 April, 2023

Spencer and Anand travel to Kobe, Japan to present their papers at ICMF23.

13 March, 2023

Anand and Henry’s work on near-exascale compressible CFD was presented at the APS March Meeting in a focus session.

26 January, 2023

The 2023 CRNCH Summit is Feb 2-3! Many members of the CPG are presenting posters and many great external scientists giving talks! SHB moderating the SciML panel. (update: photo here)

24 January, 2023

Spencer is giving a talk on competitive optimization methods at the next Lawrence Livermore DDPS Webinar. (Update: video here)

22 January, 2023

Qi Zeng and Yash Kothari’s CPINNs work accepted to ICLR 2023! Joint with Florian Schäfer.

11 January, 2023

The Georgia Tech Open Hackathon official started! SHB organizing with NVIDIA. (story here)

11 January, 2023

Paper on sub-grid moment methods for fully-coupled cavitating flows published in JCP.

02 January, 2023

Group awarded subcontract from Sandia National Lab on bubbly flows. We look forward to the collaboration!

28 December, 2022

Paper on numerics for the 7-equation model with Prof. Menon and Achyut Panchal of GT AE accepted to JCP!

22 November, 2022

CPG attended APS DFD! Were on 10 abstracts in one way or another. Spencer had fun chairing the quantum computing session (standing room only!), where Fatima gave an excellent talk.

18 November, 2022

Ajay Bati pushes the first public release of roseNNa, a fast, portable, and minimally-intrusive neural network inference library for use with Fortran and C.

15 November, 2022

We are at SC22 where Anand and Henry are presenting their work! Here’s a photo of us.

13 October, 2022

We posted our preprint on a spectral method for electrodynamic flows in drops on the arXiv! Awesome outcome from a collaboration with Hossein and Prof. David Saintillan at UCSD (who has the coolest website subdomain).

12 October, 2022

SHB gave talks at GT Aero and GT Applied and Computational Math. Thanks to Professors Cristina Riso and Wenjing Liao for the invitations!

20 September, 2022

Preprint on application performance on ARM+GPU supercomputers submitted and posted on the arXiv! Anand and Henry contributed the MFC portion.

24 August, 2022

NVIDIA awards the group four BlueField2 DPUs!

18 August, 2022

Congrats to Ph.D. student Jack Song on winning a CRNCH fellowship to work on quantum computing for PDEs!

14 August, 2022

Spencer and Florian Schäfer return from the Stanford CTR Summer Program. Very productive time, thanks to Ali Mani and Jessie Liu for hosting us!

8 August, 2022

Ben Wilfong joins the group as a PhD student! He’s working on multiphase computational fluid dynamics.

5 August, 2022

Spencer named a Class of 1969 Teaching Fellow and a Georgia Tech Faculty Writing Scholar.

22 June, 2022

AMD donates an MI200-series GPU server to the group!

9 June, 2022

Ph.D. student Fatima Chrit and incoming freshman Sriharsha Kocherla have their first conference abstract on quantum algorithms for fluid flows accepted to TQC 2022!

28 May, 2022

Spencer wins Powe Junior Faculty Enhancement Award from Oak Ridge National Lab.

14 May, 2022

Group wins GT Seed Grant for quantum simulation!

4 May, 2022

Ph.D. students Fatima Chrit and Austin Adams presented their work on quantum algorithms and compiler backends at the GT Quantum Alliance Workshop!

25 Apr, 2022

Congratulations to Qi Zeng on his first conference paper, which was accepted to an ICLR workshop! It’s arXived here.

15 Apr, 2022

Spencer gives talks at Emory and Arizona State Universities. Thanks to Professors Veneziani and Xi (Emory) and Kim (ASU) for hosting!

13 Apr, 2022

Undergraduates Ajay Bati and Qi Zeng gave great talks at the Annual GT Undergraduate Research Symposium, well done!

26 Mar, 2022

Spencer visits Brown, MIT, and Harvard. Thanks to Professors Rodriguez, Sapsis, and Koumoutsakos for hosting!

1 Mar, 2022

Ajay Bati joins our group. He’s working on deploying neural network models in HPC settings!

21 Feb, 2022

GSCS22 was this past Saturday! It was sponsored by COC CSE.

4 Feb, 2022

The 2022 CRNCH Summit finished today! Spencer gave an invited talk on quantum computing for CFD, video here.

27 Jan, 2022

The inaugaural GT HPC Hackathon wrapped up today! Thank you to the mentors, participants, and sponsors NVIDIA and Oak Ridge National Lab.

29 Dec, 2021

Preprint on moment-based closures for cavitating flows is now on arXiv.

9 Dec, 2021

GTRI Scientist Bryan Gard awarded IRAD to work with our group for 2022 on quantum algorithms!

10 Nov, 2021

Henry Le Berre (CS) joins the group!

3 Nov, 2021

Fatima Chrit (advised by A. Alexeev in ME) and Jesus Arias (advised with L. Sankar in AE) are working with our group! Their research is funded in part by GTQA and GTRI.

4 Oct, 2021

Joint work with MIT SAND group on stable high-order QBMMs is now on arXiv!

14 Sept, 2021

Spencer gave an invited talk on GPU acceleration of multiphase CFD at OpenACC summit! Watch it here.

1 Sept, 2021

Girish Ganesan (GPU computing) and Sriharsha Kocherla (quantum algorithms) joined the group!

15 August, 2021

Anand Radhakrishnan (multiphase flow models) and Scott Sims (multiscale time-steppers) joined the group!

20 April, 2021

Jean’s data assimilation paper was accepted to JMPS, see it here!

5 November, 2020

Paper on QBMMlib was published by SoftwareX. It’s open access, check it out!

13 August, 2020

Preprint released on QBMMlib, our open-source solver for quadrature moment methods!

11 August, 2020

Preprint submitted on data assimilation for rheometric data!

22 May, 2020

Paper on near-crevice bubble collapse with N. Adam’s TU Munich group accepted to JFM!

2 May, 2020

MFC paper accepted to Computer Physics Communications!